How do I change the type of odds used?

You can change the type of odds used in the odds display page for certain betting markets by changing your preferences settings. To change the type of odds used, please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to your SBOBET account and click on the Account link located at the top of the page.
  2. Navigate to the Preferences page and specify the default odds type to be used under the “Odds Type” option.

    Move your mouse over to the icon located on the right of the option to view details of the setting.

  3. Click the Confirm button to save your settings. A confirmation alert message box is displayed once you have saved your new preferences settings.
  4. Alternatively, you can change the type of odds used for certain markets by selecting your choice of odds type in the dropdown list located at the header of the odds display page.
    Change Odds Types Used in SBOBET Sports

    You are only able to change the type of odds used for Handicap, Odd/Even, and Over/Under betting markets. All other betting markets use the Euro odds type only.
